Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I only need help with my tax return. Is that something you take on?

A: Absolutely. No project or business is too small to deserve diligent attention to its financial affairs. You’ll be surprised how much we can do for you—and how cost-effective our services are.

Q: I’m just starting my business and I’m not sure I can afford a CPA. Would it be worth it?

A: We certainly think so. The economy is in constant flux these days and there’s no indication that will change soon. Every new tax law passed has profound impact on small businesses and sole proprietors, and getting sound financial advice from the outset of any business venture—however new or small—is a key element to ongoing success. What’s more, we charge small business-friendly rates.

Q: Payroll taxes and tax returns are a recurring nightmare for me. Can you help me get it right?

A: Of course; that’s what we do. Most companies get into trouble with the IRS because they don’t understand the requirements for filing payroll tax returns on a timely basis. We can take the worry and hassle out of reporting and filing for you. It’s our business to know the rules.

Q: I write checks and invoices and keep my receipts. Why do I need to do more?

A: Because having accurate monthly numbers to look at allows you to make informed, strategic decisions about your business. You can figure out whether to expand, raise prices, cut expenses, buy equipment, hire additional employees, etc. You can also plan for the future. Without the financial barometer of accurate accounts, those decisions are based on guesswork.

Q: Where are you based and do you work with clients from my state?

A: We’re located near Billings in Central Montana—but we work with dog-related businesses throughout the United States. If you work or have registered a business anywhere in the 50 states, we’re licensed to help you file taxes of any kind.

Q: Do you accept credit cards?

A: Certainly. We can also work out a payment plan if that’s helpful. Whatever gets your financial house in order.

Call 406.328.4531 or email us to find out how we can help you.

Or learn more about our services and who we are.

Retirement Tips For Dog Pros

Are you hoping for a financially secure retirement, but putting off saving for it? That’s like wanting a dog to behave well in the future—without doing any training. Read the Dollars & Scents blog for common-sense advice about retirement savings for dog pros.



What Our Clients Say

"Marie was my financial advisor for serveral years while I lived in New Jersey, and I couldn't be happier with her services. I trust her implicitly and can't recommend her enough."
--Nicole Aiello

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